NDBs Critical For Island Aviation

Brooks Goodhue
NDBs Critical For Island Aviation

We get a lot of requests for quotes for NDBs and parts. But a comment by a buyer recently made us think a bit differently about NDBs.

SE-single-2022The request for NDB parts kits from the chief CNS officer at LPIA Bahamas included this quote:

"Also, due to the constant request for the need of the NDB to assist with the arrival of major airlines, like Air France, which brings needed guests to Club Med, that will boost the economy for the island.

Therefore, this NDB, despite being inferior to GPS, is still an essential system to the island's way of life."

We may argue that NDBs are not inferior to GPS but just different with different core roles to play, both vital to air safety. 

But we are excited to think that our NDBs contribute to the economy and way of life for people in the Bahamas.

Please contact us if we can help with your NDB projects or if your need help servicing your existing systems. We have a global team of experienced experts ready to help!

Learn more about NDBs here.

See a comparison of all of our NDB models here.

NDB Transmitters for airports and offshore platforms

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